LYN: The Lightbringer is an MMORPG role-playing game for Android in which you have to create a team of heroes and take part in PvP battles in real time
App Information
App: LYN: The Lightbringer Android
Version: Updated
Size: 91 MB
This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.
We're talking about a role-playing game full of combats and epic adventures. In LYN: The Lightbringer we'll have to team up with Lyn and the rest of heroes to fight against the forces willing to destroy mankind. Create a team of heroes that will lead you to victory It's a real-time PvP combat video game with great graphics and an immersive storyline that will lead us to different scenarios on which we'll have to fight against all sorts of creatures. All the latter together with a team of heroes with whom we'll take part in bloody battles that will provide us with new skills and capacities as we win. These are the game's main features: Create your own warriors and set out to fight in this epic adventure. Make the most of its well-crafted 3D graphics. Take part in frantic real-time PvP battles. Negotiate with your heroes and their different items on the market. Play in the collaborative mode. Download the LYN APK right now and enjoy playing this MMORPG that combines all the key aspects of this genre.
Save mankind with your team of heroes
Size: 91 MB
OS: Android
Status: FREE