Monday, November 28, 2022

Download Knock Balls Android latest Version

Download Knock Balls Android latest Version

Knock Balls is a casual game for Android devices in which we have to shoot balls at buildings made of blocks until we manage to knock them all down 

App Information

App: Knock Balls Android

Version: Updated

Size: 77.5 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Knock Balls Android

VOODOO has become an expert in making simple games to waste our time, the so-called casual game genre. Knock Balls is yet another example and it's basically all about shooting balls at constructions made of blocks until we knock every single one of them down. Fine-tune your aim and shoot: take limited shots The gameplay is very simple. Simply aim your shot at the block you want to hit and if you calculate well you might even knock the whole construction down. For such purpose, you can make use of a limited number of shots. Therefore, we'll have to be very careful and pay plenty of attention. The main charm of this game is to put yourself to the test to see how far you can go. But to make it even more entertaining you can unlock new cannons and discover new levels of increasing difficulty with different elements to interact with (such as explosives). Without a doubt, an entertaining game that can release you from boredom at any moment of the day.  

Shoot at the blocks to knock them down 

Size: 77.5 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Knock Balls Android here