Thursday, November 24, 2022

Download Chess Clock Android latest Version

Download Chess Clock Android latest Version

Chess Clock is an Android application to use as a clock during your chess matches. It comes along with several time control and game movement formats 

App Information

App: Chess Clock Android

Version: Updated

Size: 1 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Chess Clock Android

Although we can control the time of the turns of a chess match with traditional clocks, it's much easier if we use an application of the likes of Chess Clock. As you've probably gathered from its name, it's an application that offers us the possibility to control the time that each player uses during his turn, available in different formats, even allowing us to configure customized time control systems. A clock for your chess matches How it works is very simple: when the game starts, the clock starts ticking and when a player ends his turn, he has to press it to start his rival's countdown. These are the main functions incorporated into the app: Huge easy-to-read buttons. Works in both landscape and portrait mode on all devices. Can easily be configured to have access to all control modes with one tap. Time controls include minutes per player, optional lag per movement, and bonus time, amongst other options. The clock stops automatically if the application is interrupted. The app can be used on both physical chess boards or in the chess app developed by, the same guys behind this application.  

Clock to play chess 

Size: 1 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Chess Clock Android here