Thursday, September 15, 2022

Download Word Cookies Android latest Version

Download Word Cookies Android latest Version

Word Cookies is a game for Android smartphones and tablets that is all about building words on a panel by joining the letters available in the right order 

App Information

App: Word Cookies Android

Version: Updated

Size: 53.5 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Word Cookies Android

Word games of the likes of Aworded are a real hit on mobile devices, whether Android or iOS. The latter usually but the user's vocabulary to the test and are based on a simple gameplay that allows anyone to take part. Find the hidden word That's precisely the aim of Word Cookies, find the hidden word. For such purpose, on the upper part of the screen, we'll have a blank panel where we have to place the letters which are initially at the bottom of the screen and which we'll have to join by swiping the screen with our finger. The difficulty will obviously increase as we advance, with more words to be found, most of which don't use up all the letter available, which means that the number of possible combinations also increases. There's no specific order to find the words: the latter can be found in vertical, horizontal, backward... just swipe to select them. When you find a word it will become part of the panel. Find the hidden words. Find derivative words and develop your vocabulary. Dozens of levels to be played: over 500. Special levels. Unveil clues in exchange for virtual coins. Earn coins every time you complete a level. Earn daily rewards. Compatible with smartphones and tablets. An entertaining word game that will help you to expand your vocabulary. Download the APK of the game right now and make the most of this word puzzle game that you can play offline: you won't need an Internet connection or WiFi network available.  

Word building game for Android 

Size: 53.5 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Word Cookies Android here