Sunday, August 21, 2022

Download Stats Royale Android latest Version

Download Stats Royale Android latest Version

Stats Royale allows Clash Royale players to view statistics on their matches, their trophies, the upcoming chests and leaderboards with the best players 

App Information

App: Stats Royale Android

Version: Updated

Size: 32 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Stats Royale Android

Supercell has attracted a whole legion of players with games like Clash Royale, Brawl Stars or Clash of Clans. These players have been playing these games and other games from the developer for so long now, that getting onto leader boards has become a real challenge. Moreover, you have to remember that these are very complete and complex games, which require sophisticated strategy and efficient control of a very wide range of factors. This is why certain developers, totally unconnected to Supercell, work on publishing applications that help players get enough essential information for them to achieve good results in their games. Stats Royale for Clash of Clans is an example of this. The aim of this app is to provide players with the most accurate statistics possible so that they play Clash Royale as well as they possibly can. What information does Stats Royale include? Players’ match statistics - like wins, losses, and trophies. Progress in the trophies. Upcoming chests. Historical info on a player’s most recent combats and on that of other players in the community. Player and clan leader boards. Player database where you can search for players using their tags. Success rates of card decks used in each match. They say that information is the key to success. This sounds true. It is always the small details, that we don’t know about or haven’t thought about, that end up tripping us up. Stats Royale is designed to stop you from tripping up in Clash Royale.  

Get accurate Clash Royale statistics 

Size: 32 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Stats Royale Android here