Friday, February 25, 2022

Download Era of Legends Android latest Version

Download Era of Legends Android latest Version

Era of Legends is an MMORPG for Android which lets us explore a vast magical world in detail. You can join a guild to boost all your character's abilities 

App Information

App: Era of Legends Android

Version: Updated

Size: 52.3 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Era of Legends Android

If you are looking for a new open world MMORPG, Era of Legends is a good one. The game is played out in an immense landscape, which you can roam around and explore at your leisure. The motif is an epic story as old as time – you have to save the continent of Eminoor from the forces of evil (OK, maybe not the most original storyline ever). Become part of a guild and enhance your abilities This is where you will find a great game space with thousands of secrets to be discovered, and the chance to make hundreds of class combinations, magic beasts and develop your character’s character and abilities. These are just some of the features you’ll find in Era of Legends game: Become a part of guilds and learn trades and skills in order to enhance your abilities. Compete in multiplayer missions. Roam free and explore a vast world brimming with hundreds of possibilities. Enjoy tactical flexibility which allows you to launch battles in a variety of ways, thanks to the different classes of warriors. These warriors can also be combined with abilities possessed by the magic beasts. You get the chance to collect all sorts of exotic creatures and objects. High-quality graphics which make the very most of settings with rather unusual architecture and areas that are a bit weird, all boasting an incredible amount of detail.  

Save Eminoor from the forces of evil 

Size: 52.3 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Era of Legends Android here