Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Download Epic Citadel Android latest Version

Download Epic Citadel Android latest Version

Come and visit Epic Citadel. Download Epic Citadel free for Android now and try out the capabilities of this device to handle graphics with Unreal Engine 3 

App Information

App: Epic Citadel Android

Version: Updated

Size: 22.7 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Epic Citadel Android

Modern smartphones have become real gaming consoles. This is proven by Epic Citadel, now available free for Android. Epic Citadel is a technical demo of Unreal Engine 3, the gaming engine developed in 2006 by Epic Games for PC and consoles. Explore a medieval town with all kinds of details. What has Epic Citadel got to offer? View the lighting, reflections and realistic effects achieved thanks to Unreal Engine 3 on your Android. Enjoy graphics built upon high quality textures. With Epic Citadel you can put your Android through its paces thanks to Benchmarking mode. Download Epic Citadel free for Android and try out this technical demo implemented with the same technology used to create games on PC and consoles.  

Enjoy the technical demo of Unreal Engine 3 on Android 

Size: 22.7 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Epic Citadel Android here