Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Download Team Awesome Android latest Version

Download Team Awesome Android latest Version

Download Team Awesome for Android and fight all sorts of dangers with the four superheroes that make up the group and have special powers and skills 

App Information

App: Team Awesome Android

Version: Updated

Size: 55.7 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Team Awesome Android

Until a meteorite fell to Earth, the four characters of Team Awesome were very ordinary people. Then they received their special powers that allowed them to do all sorts of heroic and fantastic actions. Aliens, robots, explosions, crazy situations... our four characters will have to face all these circumstances and more with their new skills. Four superheroes that can cope with anything. Features 150 missions. Game narrated by the DJ and dubbing actor John St. John. 50 episodes. 6 special powers. 4 supervillains to be defeated. 4 heroes to choose from, with their own skills and features. Cinematic video sequences. Download Team Awesome right now for Android and have fun with the most stunning and entertaining team of superheroes.  

Fight evil with your team of superheroes 

Size: 55.7 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Team Awesome Android here