Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Download Pirate Kings Android latest Version

Download Pirate Kings Android latest Version

Experience pirate's life in Pirate Kings, an adventure app for Android where you can build your own islands, attack other players and enjoy piracy 

App Information

App: Pirate Kings Android

Version: Updated

Size: 104.5 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Pirate Kings Android

Jelly Button Games offers us an extraordinary and charming adventure game where we become pirates. Pirate Kings is a simple game with a very colorful design aimed for kids but can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Attacks, sacks, and piracy Pirate Kings is an unusual game since we will not drive our vessel. The game system is based on roulette. We get prizes by spinning the roulette. To spin it, we must complete achievements or wait for its bar to refill. The prizes may include different amounts of coins, extra spins, shields to protect our islands, cannonballs to attack other players' islands or opportunities to sack them and get rich. All aboard! Become a Pirate King in this exciting corsairs and buccaneers game! Any money we get must be invested in our own private island. As a result, we will be improving its decoration, its appearance, and pet, among other details. Once we have completely developed all items on the island, we will move on to the next one to start improving it again. Also, we must protect our islands from our enemies' attacks. We can also complete different missions to get rewards, such as new pirates with different looks. If you want to play with your friends, just add them to the "My Mateys" list and enjoy this nice game together.  

Pirates game for children with a charming design 

Size: 104.5 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Pirate Kings Android here

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