Monday, August 26, 2019

Download GnaCAD Android latest Version

Download GnaCAD Android latest Version

If you are looking for a new CAD application, you will love GnaCAD, a catching digital design editor in DWG and DXF format to view 2D and 3D drawings 

App Information

App: GnaCAD Android

Version: Updated

Size: 24.8 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

GnaCAD Android

GnaCAD is a very powerful tool for all those who make computer-aided designs (better known as CAD). The application is aimed at experts so it is not very user-friendly for beginners or people with limited knowledge in the area. In other words: it is like the first time you go from Paint to Photoshop. Our goal is to create a complete CAD system, not less powerful than your desktop counterparts. It works directly from Google Drive with no Internet connection This editor works with DWG and DXF files that you attach and also those that you open from Google Drive without an internet connection, so you can use it from anywhere. To use it, we can use the tools that are displayed on the right side of the screen, with which we can do these things and many others: Search. Attach files and images. Measure. Modify designs. Add shapes and figures. Write text. Change the visual style. Manage layer settings. The developer has tried to create an unrestricted app of tools compared to computer programs. Despite all the features it offers and an interface that tries to make it easy to use, its usage is complex, and if you have never used a similar application, it requires some learning and some patience. You can create real wonders with this app, but first, you will need to invest some time.  

Create your own graphic designs on Android 

Size: 24.8 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download GnaCAD Android here

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