Sunday, July 21, 2019

Download DWG FastView Android latest Version

Download DWG FastView Android latest Version

DWG FastView is a complete app for Android with which you can perform CAD work, such as viewing and editing DWG and DXF files, among other functions 

App Information

App: DWG FastView Android

Version: Updated

Size: 60.2 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

DWG FastView Android

If you usually do CAD computer designs, this app will do you a great service. DWG FastView is fully compatible with AutoCAD, has no file size limits and can be used with files hosted in the cloud, on platforms such as OneDrive, Dropbox or Google Drive. Want to discover more? View, edit, create and share all your CAD drawings. Make CAD drawings on your mobile device To use this app you don't need to register or have an internet connection. What you do need is some knowledge about this type of tools, since it is not easy to use. Among other functions, it will allow us to do the following things: Edit objects and DWG and DXF files. Convert CAD drawings to PDF format. Use advanced drawing and editing tools to create or modify our designs. Import or download a CAD drawing with its corresponding fonts. Change the display mode between 2D and 3D. Obtain an integral view of the created designs. Access to technical assistance. Draw with precision and cleanliness. Add all types of coordinates, such as cylindrical, relative or absolute. Make measurements on the designs. In addition, this app offers a premium version with more utilities that will allow us to have access to even more tools and possibilities. In any case, the interface is easy to use and clean, but it is not an easy application to use if you have never worked with CAD designs, so don't lose your patience.  

Create CAD designs from your Android 

Size: 60.2 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download DWG FastView Android here

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