Almost 300 million people suffer from diabetes all over the world. OnTrack Diabetes intends to be a tool to help those people that suffer from this disease
App Information
App: OnTrack Diabetes Android
Version: Updated
Size: 1.8 MB
This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.
We all have a friend or close relative affected by diabetes, an illness that requires plenty of attention despite all the medical advances. OnTrack Diabetes is a tool that helps diabetics to monitor their state of health to manage their condition as well as possible. How can this app help a diabetic? Allows you to add entries about your blood glucose level, food, blood pressure and many other parameters. Offers detailed graphics and reports about your health condition, as well as a log that you can share with your doctor. Possibility to export data in different formats such as CSV, HTML or XML. You can customize your own categories for whatever you need. Includes very useful reminders for glucose tests or doctor appointments. This Android application obviously isn't the solution to diabetes, but it can definitely make life easier for those that suffer it.
Making life easier for diabetics
Size: 1.8 MB
OS: Android
Status: FREE