VoiceTra is a voice and text translator for mobile phones that can translate to over thirty languages. It's fast and great for both speech and text
App Information
App: VoiceTra Android
Version: Updated
Size: 7.9 MB
This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.
Having any language problems when traveling abroad or you just want to improve your speaking and writing? No worries, you can now download VoiceTra, an application that translates both voice and text to different languages. It's perfect for different situations, such as making yourself understood and understanding others when traveling on public transport, shopping, at hotels, in restaurants... Translate what you want to say to more than 30 languages This app supports translations towards several languages, showing you the translation in writing and also playing it out loud with a synthesized voice. It has been developed with voice recognition, translation and high-precision synthesis technologies created by the Japanese NICT. Translations are bidirectional, in other words, two users can communicate in different languages on the same device. The text input is available for all users but it's mainly conceived for those languages that don't support the voice input. The following are some of the languages accepted by VoiceTra: Japanese, Spanish, French, Korean, Italian, English, Russian, Dutch, German, Portuguese, Turkish, Arabic... and many more.
Voice translator to 31 languages
Size: 7.9 MB
OS: Android
Status: FREE