Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Download KakaoStory Android latest Version

Download KakaoStory Android latest Version

Tell the world what you're thinking about with KakaoStory, even if nobody cares. Become part of this social network about telling and reading stories 

App: KakaoStory Android

Version: Updated

Size: 17.4 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

KakaoStory Android

Social networks are popping up all over the place, even more than Starbucks cafés. Every day there are more and more, and it's hard to keep up with them all. The thing is that you have to find the one that suits you the best (probably the one with the best emojis). And KakaoStory could well be that one, with a really cute interface full of colors and loads of tools. Unfortunately, it has a major drawback if you're looking for something in English, the majority of its users are Korean. Share your daily stories, regardless of whether they're exciting or special, or simply plain and boring. Tell your stories and read those of other users There are days on which you simply need to shout out what you've gone through but on many occasions, there's nobody there to listen to you whilst you bring out all your joy or anger. Don't worry, social networks to the rescue. The users of KakaoStory are here to listen to your problems and concerns. From the 'Feed' option you can read the stories written by your friends, although you can find many other stories by other users using the 'Search' tool. If it's your turn to tell everyone about what's happened to you, tap the 'MyStory' button and quickly share your thoughts (customized with all sorts of emojis), adding effects and filters as you go, and winning over thousands of fans who will read you and probably start following you. Read, share, and find small stories. To use this application, you'll have to download the APK file and sign up with your email address, nickname, and password. Although we're talking about the Android version, you can also find it on other mobile operating systems, and there's even a PC desktop edition that you can download from its official site. Just follow the yellow logo, it's impossible to miss it.  

Social network to tell and read stories 

Size: 17.4 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download KakaoStory Android latest Version here


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