Friday, November 9, 2018

Download PlantNet Android latest Version

Download PlantNet Android latest Version

PlantNet allows you to identify wild plants with just a photo. You've only got to take a picture of the plant or its organs and compare it with the database 

App Information

App: PlantNet Android

Version: Updated

Size: 3.9 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

PlantNet Android

Turn your smartphone into a tool to identify plants with PlantNet. This Android app developed by members of scientific institutions such as CIRAR, INRIA, IRD, INRA and the Tela Botanica network, makes use of your device's camera to compare images of the plants documented in its database. One photo to identify a plant Plants are identified automatically if they've got enough references in the database. The latter allows contributions from any user that wants to help out with new plants provided that they're registered correctly. An application for botanics lovers. How does PlantNet work? To know what plant you're looking at, use your phone's camera and follow these instructions: Take a photo of the organ on its own and on even backgrounds. Apply to wild plants. Geotag the plant. It also comes along with a field for your own observations, as well as the possibility to view contributions from the rest of users  

App to identify wild plants 

Size: 3.9 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download PlantNet Android here

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