InstaWeather allows you to share the weather report of your current location with other users by means of photos. This app offers rather different forecasts
App Information
App: InstaWeather Android
Version: Updated
Size: 37.7 MB
This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.
Fed up of boring old weather apps? Try out a different application to get to know the weather forecast: InstaWeather. Any user can take a photo of his/her current location and share what the weather's like with everyone. You can choose between different styles that show data about the weather and share them on your social networks. The weather Instagram. How it works InstaWeather is very easy to use. Take a photo of where you are and choose one of the different designs available. Other InstaWeather users will be able to see the temperature, rainfall or wind in your current location, together with the image of your choice. Main features Allows you to choose between 70 different designs. Each design shows different weather data: temperature, location, atmospheric pressure, rain, wind direction and force, etc. Allows you to include customized text. You can share your image on different social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Foursquare. Get hold of a different way to view weather reports thanks to InstaWeather.
Share weather reports
Size: 37.7 MB
OS: Android
Status: FREE