Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Download Star Tracker Android latest Version

Download Star Tracker Android latest Version

With Star Tracker you can explore the Universe without any other help than your phone. You can identify dozens of constellations and thousands of stars 

App Information

App: Star Tracker Android

Version: Updated

Size: 13.4 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Star Tracker Android

One of the best applications you can explore the Universe with from your Android is Star Tracker. Not only will its speed surprise you, but also its accuracy when it comes to identifying astronomical objects in the sky. A planetarium in your pocket. Designed by great astronomy fans, Star Tracker offers you appropriate and precise information about constellations and other celestial objects you can see in real time. Just point at them with your phone and the application will do the rest. Main features Information available offline. Adjusts to screens between 3.5" and 12" at any resolution. 88 constellations and over 8000 stars. Automatic GPS or manual location. Fluid and smooth transitions and movements. High-quality graphics. Download Star Tracker right now and explore the Universe from your Android device.  

A planetarium on your phone 

Size: 13.4 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Star Tracker Android here